Do you want to become a reseller?
Great! Fill out the form at the bottom of the page ore-mail me your contact details, product name/quantity and any preferences regarding invoicing, I'll be in touch! You may also call me or contact me if you have any questions or would like a quote for something specially designed.
Still thinking about it? Minimum order is on only 10 sheets/design, so it is not an investment to buy some and test how it works in your store. If you want to squeeze the sheets before you decide, it is of course fine to get in touch and I will send a sample packagetotally free.
Reflects your concept
I am especially targeting museum shops and other shops with a theme or concept. Choose from my motifs which suit your profile, or contact me and I will design something based on your wishes! I can e.g. draw stickers based on your collections or local attractions.
Popular with all ages
Många tänker fortfarande på klistermärken som något för barn, men faktum är att med trender som bullet journaling, scrapbooking m.m. har det blivit en eftertraktad produkt hos alla åldersgrupper. Jag försöker ta fram motiv som tilltalar så väl stora som små.
Small-scale handicraft
All production is done by me in my studio in Sweden, which means short lead times and small volumes. In addition to being original, they are handcrafted and quality-tested, and the short transports are a plus for the environment.
The perfect souvenir
Ett klistermärkesark tar ingen plats i packningen och en lagom liten gåva att köpa med sig hem till nära och kära när man är på resa. Dessutom går dom att sätta på vykort eller dekorera resedagboken med! Många av mina motiv har turister i särskild åtanke.
inexpensive without feeling "cheap"
Recommended price to customer is only SEK 30 (approx. € 2,53 or $ 2,75) which fills a price segment that is otherwise easily filled with "mass-produced stuff". It is an appropriate price level for those who want to spontaneously buy a small souvenir from the store without intending to spend a lot of money.
Easy selling conversation starter
Stickers are not something you can "get too much of", you can easily find a use for them, and give joy for a long time. In the store, they invite laughter and conversation with the customer, and once at home, the sticker reminds of their visit.
Other requests?
I'd love to hear what your ideas and needs are!